

#ProgrammersInThePNW - Days 4 & 5

Already playing catch-up on blog posts. My apologies. Here we go...

Day 4
Today was travel day #2... we started in Portland, drove up the coast, and ended up in Tacoma where we spent the night. The drive up the coast didn't have as many awesome views, but our stop at Cannon Beach, OR definitely made up for that:

There were a few neat views that we saw on the drive, though:

Tuesday night we had a chance to catch up with an friend who's been in Tacoma for the last 2 years as a part of a pastoral residency at a local church, and eat some fantastic seafood right on the bay in the process.

Day 5
Our original plan was for Wednesday to be our day hanging out in Olympic Park, but we decided to postpone that since the weather looked like it would be more cooperative on Saturday. Thus, Wednesday became one of our days to wander around and experience downtown Seattle.

We started out with the Seattle Underground tour... to make a long story short they raised up the city about 15 feet a long time ago, thereby taking what was the first floor of the various buildings and making those into the basement. Some of these basements are now used as extra retail space, and others are used for things like this tour, which was subterranean for most of the time. 

There are also some skylights still in place from when they built the underground (in the late 19th century) that help illuminate it... they're built into the sidewalks and still functional today.

That afternoon we wandered around downtown, including a trip through the Pike Place Market.

We also came across the Seattle Public Library, which was SWEET.

Coming soon
Day 6: EMP, waterfront/harbor, and some sculptures
Day 7: coffee, roaming, and some baseball

Other stuff
Don't forget to keep an eye on FlickrInstagram, and Twitter for more fun from the trip!

Updated - check out the ProgrammersInThePNW label below for all of the posts for the trip!

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