

Back on the blog!

Not really sure how to explain the lack of posts here. So I won't. Oh well.

Not to get too sappy or anything, but my time with Crusade at NC State is winding down (as is my college career). I honestly can't express the value of the friendships I've built through being involved with Cru, and frankly it's gonna be one of the biggest things about college that will be missed.

Oh, and a new thing I'm going to try to do... since photography (and videography) are increasingly capturing my attention thought it might be fun to throw some stuff related to that up here... so hopefully I'll have a neat picture/video (of my own creation, ideally) to show you each time I post here. To that end... this week's exhibit:

You are looking at a Canon AE-1... wait for it... FILM CAMERA (no, they don't make these anymore), property of one Matt Harris (the lens is a 28mm f2.8 if I'm not mistaken). Went downtown with him and Michael Trautman a few weeks ago to just goof around and see if we could get any good stills/videos, and this one came out pretty well I thought. Used a desaturation brush to take a bit of color out of the bushes in the background and that's about it. And even though I shoot/edit with an autofocus, auto-metering camera there is just something cool about using a manual exposure, manual focus camera. Oh, and manual focusing is hard shooting wide open.

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