

Blogging isn't easy

Another week, no post... this will be accounted for very soon. In the meantime (and in the spirit of Dan Goslen's top 5 lists on his blog) I give you a list of 5 things related to The David Crowder*Band:

1. Last Thursday I got to see The David Crowder*Band live at Westover Church. I'm not a huge concert person, and that's just as well because it wasn't a concert. More like a giant, really loud worship service. It was amazing.

2. Have you seen the new music video for SMS (Shine) that The David Crowder*Band just released? No? Go watch it.

3. Did you know that the David Crowder*Band bought every single Lite-Brite peg they could find on the internet for that video? Actually, that they had to buy every Lite-Brite on the internet FOUR TIMES to get enough pegs? Yep. He claims it's something like 700,000 of the things. Craziness.

4. Some of you may have heard of the book Praise Habit: Finding God in Sunsets & Sushi (by David Crowder). I am starting to read this book and there will almost certainly be a post coming on this sometime soon. And the massive delay in getting another "real" post out will hopefully be made up for by a good one. Hopefully.

5. I'm not sure if you've figured this out yet, but The David Crowder*Band is definitely my "desert island" band. No question. So go listen to some DC*B goodness already!


  1. well i couldn't think of anything better to do. besides imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right? ;)
